Post all relevant pictures to Instagram by 12 pm on Saturday, March 2nd.
Follow the SaltCON Instagram page and tag @saltcon1 and #saltconScavengerHunt for each photo.
You must be in each picture.
Pictures must be new!
Each achieved challenge is worth 2 points. Some items also have bonuses attached. These will be marked next to the main item.
Pick up the list of challenges at the SaltCON information booth inside of the vendor hall. Keep track of your own points on this sheet as you complete them.
Found items should be left where found. All challenges can be completed within the boundaries of the convention.
Turn in your final score to the SaltCON information booth by noon on Saturday to be eligible for prizes.
Cheating, stealing, sabotaging, removing hidden items, or breaking the law will result in automatic disqualification.
When talking or interacting with strangers, business owners, or community workers, all participants must be polite and respectful.